Saturday, April 5, 2014

Day 3 - Shedd Aquarium

DAY 3: Shedd Aquarium
On Thursday the 3rd of April, 2014, we visited Shedd Aquarium in Chicago. Shedd Aquarium is a very thrilling and adventurous place to be because you get to know a lot more things about wild life that an average person wouldn't know. 

We got to know which rivers different sea creatures lived in and their lifestyle in the water, as a starter.

After​wards, we went to the Abbot Oceanarium which is a large arena with a large pool of water with wildlife settings as well and we watched dolphins right in action. This show was very interesting, seeing as a number of students had not had ​the opportunity to see these animals in reality.

After the Oceanarium, we watched a 'short 4-D movie called 'Sea​ Monsters' which was about fossils of fish, their preys, how they caught them and how they survived in the waters.

Our last activity at Shedd Aquarium was​ the One World show. This was personally my favourite part of the whole visit because we got to see cute little penguins and a student, namely Folurunsho Jeje even had the opportunity of touching one!

During the One World show, we got to know an amazing fact- the ways in which the dogs at Shedd Aquarium are trained are the same ways in which the dolphins are trained as well!
We got to see a cute and very friendly little dog called Bruce perform. I guess that's why they say'A dog is a man's best friend'.

The purpose of the One World show was to see the connection between us humans and the animals we live with.

After  this, we all went exploring and gathered at the Food Court to eat lunch. Thefood was quite nice and had a range of varieties.​

Shedd Aquarium was a very magnificent experience and it was a very brilliant way to begin our trip!
-Arinola Ososanya​​​​​, Chibuzo Enelamah

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